Vince Yue

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Blog Post 8

Media literacy is the medium of delivering messages which means that to deliver a message, content creators should choose the appropriate communication methods to promote their work (Trilling & Fadel, 2009). Media literacy is important because today all of us are media producers. With media literacy skills, we are able to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in different forms, understand the role of media in society and have skills to do self-expression (Trilling & Fadel, 2009).

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict because people might not always want to know the truth. Today, the news is a business, and it is not a public service (Smith, 2020), and news tends to tell stories that people want to hear. Audiences, on the other hand, seek emotional support from media, and they want to have fantasy through media.

Having a PLN with people that values media literacy means a network with more factual information because people in the PLN know the language of media better. Moreover, media literacy skills help people to express themselves better, and having people with such skills in the PLN means that one can get useful information, great ideas, rational guidance, emotional support, ideas and feedback from others (Smith, 2020). Consequently, PLN with media literacy understanding atmosphere helps a person to get opportunities to learn more, and it could also be a great chance to develop for their professional development.

Aiming for varied views but the factual consensus in PLN is a method to learn. Everyone has their comfort zone, and they tend to hear and see things that agree with them. Therefore, always being agreed could limit a person’s vision. Different views, on the other hand, might cause uncomfortable feelings. However, these views can help people understand things they could not understand before.




Fadel,C., & Trilling,B. (2009). 21st Century Skills – Learning for Life In Our Times.    Retrieved from skills/9780470475386/fade_9780470475386_oeb_c04_r1.html

Smith, J. (2020). EDCI 338 A01- SMITH, JULIE. YouTube. Retrieved from


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