Vince Yue

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Blog Post 5

It is clear that the success of a podcast also relies on one’s PLN. Building a unique PLN prior to initiate a podcast can help a person to learn the necessary knowledge and build connection to expand the influence of the podcast. Through Mo Amir (EDCI 338, 2020)’s experience, I find that both offline networks and online networks are important for a person to build PLN. Online communication is not as efficient as face-to-face communication so knowing people in person should be able to create ties that stronger than online networks. Amir says that Vancouver is a small place where one people know another. For me, Vancouver might not be a place small like that, but I think going out to meet people and build connections with them can be a great way to build PLN.

In the online PLN building, social media is a great place to build connections. Amir points out that Twitter is a perfect place to create networks, and he is able to talk to politicians or other important people directly which highly provide support to his podcast. Moreover, Amir also mentions that his network is not only building from these important people but also from others who are a fan or who reply on a post. It shows that everyone’s PLN is unique, and anyone can become a part of one’s PLN. Wood (n.d) also points out that join in L&D tweet chat and take advantage of conference backchannels are viable actions to build PLN. In addition, reputation is important in building PLN. People would trust others who have credibility. Learn to ask and listen and not always push back other’s opinion can also help to create an environment where the PLN can be expanded.

In the perspective of privacy and security concerns, the biggest concern is the boundary between personal and professional life. Since the boundary cannot be set out absolutely clear, some people will be able to get information more than they suppose to know, and this information might be used to conduct unauthorized activities.




EDCI 338. (2020). EDCI 338 – A01 BUILDING A PODCAST. Retrieved from

Woods, Bianca. (n. d). Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas?   Expand your personal learning network. Retrieved from

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